Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Cold War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Cold War - Essay Example It is called Cold War because the relations were icy at the least and never reached boiling point to bring on a shooting war. It is also 'cold' because each try to undermine each other's political power. There were several zones where potentially both were at loggerheads and where another WW III could have ensued had hotter heads prevailed. In West Berlin, Russia blockaded this US,UK and France-controlled zone with a wall that made the latter construe that they were intentionally entrapped. A dtente ensued when US did a massive airlifting of supplies instead of using force. In the Iron Curtain, Stalin convinced these Slav and Balkan countries to accept communism as form of government because Russia needed them as buffer states against Germany but the Allies construed this as an intense its brand of government. In Greece and Turkey, Russia frowned upon when there the Truman Doctrine was applied i.e. US provided funds and massive aid so that both may be able to resist communist attempts to subjugate them. In Western Europe, the US came up with the Marshall Plan, which was a multi-billion aid program to reconstruct the almost bankrupt nations ravaged by WW II. Russia reacted with consternation because that would make it difficult for them to foment dissension and discontent. Then the NATO, composed of USA, Britain, Canada and Western Europe including West Germany was established for the purpose of mutually securing themselves from possible communist military aggression. Despite the overweening tension and intensified hostilities, no full-scale war emanated. And this was because USA had invented the atomic bomb and displayed how it can resolve conflicts with dire consequences. It is because of the development of these atomic and hydrogen bombs, missiles and other arsenals of war and because of the complexity of plans involved in upsetting the rival that espionage became a necessary tool to outwit the rival. As early as the 1920's, USSR through its NKVD and OGPU intelligence agents, had already penetrated the State and the War Departments and other government agencies by recruiting left-leaning Americans, foreign-born Americans and Russians as spies to obtain classified and confidential secrets and transmit3 them to Moscow as microfilms or as encrypted cables. Then, the interest of the Russian spy ring was the industrial and military secrets of USA and the first target for infiltration was the FAECT(Federation of Architects, Engineers, Chemists and Technicians) and with satisfying results (Usdin 28). In one case, it was discovered that espionage had reached the top echelon of the State Department with Alger Hiss, one of its top officials caught flatfooted when Time Magazine editor Whittaker Chambers, himself a confessed Soviet agent, showed and testified that Hiss passed on to him a microfilm of State Department documents. Even the film industry was not spared as the HUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee), alarmed by the trend of left-leaning films, interrogated directors

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Cloning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Cloning - Essay Example ifferent contexts in biological research but in its most simple and strict sense, it refers to a precise genetic copy of a molecule, cell, plant, animal, or human being. In some of these contexts, cloning refers to established technologies that have been part of agricultural practice for a very long time and currently form an important part of the foundations of modern biological research† (Nussbaum & Sunstein, 1998, p. 1). Although this method has created many live successes, it has proved significantly less likely to generate successful instances of pregnancy than those conceived naturally via sexual intercourse. Additionally, the majority of cloned mammals have had some form of birth defect. Mammals do not replicate their own DNA through the natural process. This occurs only by cloning which presents both scientific and ethical implications. â€Å"The prospect of such replication for humans has resulted in the most controversial debate about reproduction ever to be taken up in western civilization† (McGee, 2001). Plants create offspring through replication by the natural method. When mammals replicate DNA by artificial means the practice is complex both technically and socially speaking. Those who are in opposition to cloning humans contend that this unnatural form of reproduction has a tremendous potential for basing dubious procreation decisions with regard to the genetic engineering of children. Their worry is that the traditional family is in jeopardy of evolving in a bizarre, unfamiliar and socially undesirable direction. Supporters of cloning procedures say that it may possibly, among other attributes, serve society as a valuable alternative infertility treatment. The cloning of animals has provoked the debate regarding the social, legal and ethical aspects concerning human cloning. Because of failure rate as compared to the customary conception method in animal testing, scholars, scientists and politicians usually agree that human experiments